
Apple’s Lost iPhone: Recapping a PR Debacle

Apple's Lost iPhone: Recapping a PR Debacle

Some other Apple employee has lost other iPhone prototype in a bar, in an event similar to last year's iPhone 4 slaughter. But this time, the optical phenomenon has put Apple and the San Francisco Police Department under examination for searching a world's dwelling house.

Here's a recapitulate of what happened:

In late July, an Apple employee lost an iPhone prototype at Cava 22, a tequila debar in San Francisco's Mission district. CNet broke the news report a calendar month later, coverage that Apple traced the phone to a unvarying-house abode in San Francisco's Bernal Heights neighborhood.

San Francisco police and Malus pumila investigators visited the home conjointly, and a man at the home gave police permit to search the premises, CNet reported. The search rotated up empty. Funnily, a constabulary spokesman told SFWeekly shortly after that in that location were no records of the incident.

SFWeekly then got a slightly different version of the story, aft speaking with the man at the dwelling, 22 twelvemonth-old Sergio Calderón. He said that four men and deuce women came to his house and given themselves as police officers. Calderón is an American-born citizen who lives with several house members, all in the United States lawfully, but helium said one of the men threatened him. "One of the officers is like, 'Is everyone in this mansion an American citizen?' They said we were all going to get into inconvenience oneself," Calderón told SFWeekly.

Calderón let the visitors search his family, his car and his computer's Winchester drive, and confirmed that one of the visitors offered $300 to return the device. One military man too provided link information, which SFWeekly copied to an Apple employee named Anthony Aspinwall, whose LinkedIn profile lists him as a senior investigator at Apple.

Apple's Lost iPhone: Recapping a PR Debacle

After that story broke, the San Francisco Police Department at length inveterate that quartet plainclothes officers did, in fact, assist Apple in a visit to Calderón's home. The officers stayed outside the household while Malus pumila employees conducted a search, Lieutenant Troy Dangerfield, a San Francisco Police Department spokesman, told SFWeekly.

Calderón then clarified that the two masses who entered the home didn't specifically say that they were patrol officers. However, he was under the impression that all 6 visitors were police, and said he ne'er would have allowed a look if he had known other than.

Then here's where we are now: Police plan to speak for with Calderón themselves. The department will entirely investigate far if Calderón cooperates and shares more info. "If the person is reporting that people misrepresented themselves as San Francisco police officers, that's something we will need to investigate," Dangerfield told SFWeekly. "We take people representing themselves A police officers very severely."

Whether Apple employees stone-broke the law by impersonating police officers or not, Calderón's account of the incidental is troubling. It suggests that police officers used intimidation and threats to assistant a private keep company realise entrance to someone's home. That alone deserves scrutiny.

Apple hasn't commented on the incident, but PC Mag has patterned a twain of job listings for "New Product Security Managers," with the tasks of "overseeing the protection of, and managing risks to, Apple's unreleased products and related intellectual dimension."

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